

Christian, early-thirties, but not quite grown, woman
Wife to my late-thirties Christian (awesome-sauce) "Hubby"
Full-time attachment-parenting, elimination-communicating, full-term-breastfeeding, mostly co-sleeping mama, to my son, 23-month-old "Sunny" (Nov 11)
Part-time work-from-home primary school tutor

Blogging here about the challenges of life as a long-time depressed emotionally-fraught and unstable, over-eating and comfort-eating obese (for more than a decade) unfit, TV-addicted, slightly-OCD, perfectionist slob, who is trying to climb out of this rut and be thriving; thus I blog as "yours hopefully thriving."

Wanting to do and be better
Seeking to improve the choices I make day-to-day
Working to live life to His glory
Challenging myself to lead a more disciplined life
Wanting to be a good example, not a horrible warning, to my son (and hopefully further children)
Working to get healthier - mind, body and soul

Taking baby steps to get there, choosing the narrow gate and the steep path onward. . .

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