
Monday, 21 October 2013

Day 53 - Review - Third Grace Day

Today I:

- couldn't seem to stop nibbling my nails, oh dear, I read through the chapter and in terms of journalling, "the next thing I can do is..." take my hand out of mouth! This Grooming Goal is going to be a mental challenge as much as anything I reckon. Didn't file, trim or paint my nails! Have decided to set this goal aside for now.

- didn't read the No-brainer Wardrobe and have made the decision to take a week off of this challenge, comtinuing with the FtP Consistency Challenges (beginning my day with God, getting dressed first thing, wearing earrings, tweezing my eyebrows and cleansing, toning and applying nightcream weekly and encouraging my sister)

- didn't follow the Half-Hour Hope challenge

- did Beautify my mind by learning how to knit a stripy scarf, thank you youtube

- didn't follow my Cleaning Schedule for Mondays

- Read chapter three of the "100 lbs Loser" e-book and continued to prepare for the upcoming 42D2F challenge

- Attended my optician's appt. with Sunny and picked up some groceries

- edited sidebar Scripture memory work

- called to my in-laws' with Hubs and Sunny before dropping Hubs to the airport; went round the superstore near the airport until I felt calm enough to drive/had a trolley load of bad foods/could stop myself from crying so all in all wasn't really home all that long today

- decided to give myself a grace day, watched a movie as soon as I had Sunny down for the night and am about to collapse into bed after I write tomorrow's post and have a quick quiet time, nightie night

- Didn't cancel list sub, complain and request refund which I really can't put off!!

- managed four out of six of my Consistency Challenges

- did a good deal of my Daily Do List and will regret not having laid out tomorrow's clothes in the morning, felt too miserable to complete Moodscope (have a cold and was desperately missing Hubs), have yet to unload/reload the dishwasher I put on this morning, need to clean the kitchen counters and will complete a (too-short) quiet time before bed

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